Take the first step towards mending your career following negative workplace experiences with my tips and tricks:

Toxic Colleagues - How to Handle Their Behaviour and Keep Your Sanity

Toxic Colleagues - How to Handle Their Behaviour and Keep Your Sanity

I have worked with SO MANY toxic people in my career. For a long time I thought the toxic behaviour just came as a package deal with the fields I worked in. For example, I worked at Centrelink and it was highly stressful, I worked in recruitment and it was highly competitive and I worked in many contract roles and it was always highly uncertain. I told myself that these environments made my colleagues understandably tense, and that thought turned into an excuse for their neuroticism. I was often detached from their negative attitudes, until it would manifest into bullying, harassment, and manipulation, creating toxic workplace cultures - something that always happened.

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Why You Feel Guilty for Wanting to Quit Your Toxic Job and What to Do About It

Why You Feel Guilty for Wanting to Quit Your Toxic Job and What to Do About It

Quitting a job is never an easy decision, especially when the workplace has become toxic. The emotions involved are complex, and guilt often tops the list. Whilst it’s okay to feel guilty for leaving colleagues in the lurch, it shouldn’t stop you from doing it if those same colleagues are making your work life difficult every week with their drama, negativity and emotional outbursts.

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Are you a people-pleaser who wants to learn how to start setting workplace boundaries to avoid burnout?

Download my free guide on 9 Easy Ways to Set Workplace Boundaries for People-Pleasers. A 25-page guide with tips on motivation to set boundaries, ways to ease into setting boundaries, and managing your stress and communication around those conversations.

Career guidance and boundaries at work