Tired of feeling trapped and burnt out in your unfulfilling career or toxic workplace?

Reignite your passion, restore your confidence, and get the clarity you need to change your career situation with the help of a qualified Career Counsellor who will support you at each step of the way.

Places are limited and based on eligibility.

Recover from burnout

Have you ever had something negative happen in your career that left you feeling distressed, hurt, anxious, lost, disengaged, or low on confidence?

Maybe you’re:

  • Feeling like your confidence has been eroded after being bullied, harassed, or intimidated within a toxic workplace culture?

  • Suffering from anxiety and burnout after being overloaded with work, and are now operating on autopilot without much regard for the results of your work?

  • Reliving negative events in the workplace that have left you feeling unsupported, distressed, or traumatised.

  • Trying to navigate your way through a challenging situation that you didn’t see coming, (like redundancy or termination) and now feel resentful and unable to move on?

  • Feeling scared, confused, and lost about your career trajectory because of the hurdles you’ve endured, and not knowing how to find clarity on your career path?

If only you knew how to move past that negative workplace experience quickly, so you could focus all your energy and efforts on rebuilding your career.

Well, the good news is you can!

With the support of an experienced Career Restoration Counsellor, you can identify the traits that make work fulfilling and map out a pathway that will have you leaping into the type of career that you want, much sooner than you imagined.


I’m Christina

I’m a Career Restoration Counsellor with experience in recruitment, talent acquisition, case management, and career counselling.

I’m not your usual ‘career coach’ or ‘counsellor’… but a qualified career practitioner with post-graduate qualifications in psychology and career development.

I’ve been where you are, and have experienced:

·  Burnout from the pressure of having an unrealistic workload,

· Bullying from toxic micromanagers who provided unclear and ever-changing directions, and

· Distress following a single negative event that left me feeling traumatised by the industry I was working in.

After all that, I took a break from the industry and found it hard to cultivate a desire to return. I was feeling exhausted, negative, and completely detached from my work.

Fortunately, I found the support I needed to reignite my career passion and restore my career. Work is now more enjoyable and fulfilling than ever!!

Since becoming a Career Restoration Counsellor, I’ve made it my mission to provide career guidance to professionals following negative workplace experiences, to help restore their career fulfilment again!

I know how overwhelming it can feel to try and figure things out by yourself

However, with the right counselling and support, you can build the confidence and clarity you need to restore your career and reignite the passion you once had for work.

Workplace burnout

Imagine what your career (and life) would be like if you could go from:

  • Being bullied or harassed by toxic colleagues, to knowing how to set boundaries comfortably, believing in your own capabilities, and working with self-assurance every day.

  • Working on autopilot, suffering burnout, and feeling detached, to re-engaging in your work emotionally, finding work stimulating with just the right amount of challenge, and believing that your output is both important and within your reach.

  • Having a lack of support, trust, and appreciation for the work you do, to working for an employer that ensures you’re set up to succeed. 

  • Experiencing a negative workplace event that has kept you stuck in the past, to accepting it and leaving the resentment and cynicism behind, so you can jump into the driver’s seat of your career again, completely in control of its direction.

  • Feeling scared or lost on how to find career clarity, to realising that you’ve been in the wrong career all along and now understand where you need to be to utilise your natural strengths, interests, and workplace preferences.

This is totally within your grasp when you work with me!

But don’t just take my word for it.

Here’s what my client, Frank, had to say about his experience doing just that:

‘Very professional service. I received some great advice and Christina was very kind and helpful. Would absolutely recommend.’

- Frank S.

Read more reviews here (Career Mend was formerly known as Get The Job Australia)

Career counselling



A 3-month career guidance program that provides personalised, one-on-one support and counselling to help you leave your negative workplace experiences behind, so you can confidently move towards creating a career that you love!

In this tailored program …

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from my professional career and from navigating my own negative workplace experiences, and I’ve mapped out each step you’ll need to take to confidently re-engage and enjoy your work again!

Over three months, I’ll take you step-by-step through my M.E.N.D.I.N.G framework, tailoring it to your personal story and experiences. We’ll cover:

Map - We map out your current thoughts about work so that you can make sense of your past experiences and not let them colour your future experiences.

Career counselling
Career counselling

Explore – We explore who you are: your strengths, interests, personality, and more, so that you can repair your career confidence.

Narrow – We collate what we’ve discovered and conduct ‘real-world’ testing, so that we can narrow down what the best options are for you.

Career counselling

Decide – We use techniques to help you decide what career path you should choose, so that you have complete career clarity on the future of your career.

Career counselling

Implement – We use resources to help you implement that decision, such as a new résumé, so that you have the resources to make a change in your career for the better.

Career counselling

Navigate – We examine how to navigate that new career path’s environment, such as job-hunting strategies, so that you can overcome any hurdles that pop up on your way to career fulfilment.

Career counselling
Career counselling

Goals – We develop actionable, fool-proof steps to help you leap into that career, so that you can secure your path towards complete career fulfilment beyond our sessions together!

Throughout the program, there’s no pressure for you to leave your current job.

This program is designed to illuminate an area that needs to change so that you can leave your negative experiences behind.

This doesn’t always mean you should change career industries, but throughout the program, you’ll likely decide that you need to change one of the following:

  • Your employer

  • Your industry

  • Your perspective

You’ll be sure about your choice because we’ve taken the proper steps to reach that conclusion, through the M.E.N.D.I.N.G framework.

I’ll also support you as you navigate any change so that you can find career fulfilment again sooner!


Ready to invest in your career confidence, engagement, positivity, and clarity?

Your program includes:

1.   1 x 45-minute Assessment Call

At the beginning of your program, we’ll meet to discuss the goals you have for your career and what you want to get out of the counselling program.

2.    12 x 1-hour Weekly Counselling Sessions

During these sessions, we’ll move through the M.E.N.D.I.N.G framework over three months, tailored to your story, your background, and overcoming your hurdles.

3.    A Personalised Career Persona Manual

This manual is tailored to you and will capture all the insights we discover during the program. You’ll have this manual to refer back to, so you can understand what type of work is meaningful for you, why experiences leave you feeling detached from your work, and what steps you can take to ensure you don’t keep ending up back in the same place again.

4.    Career resources and worksheets

When you work through my resources and worksheets, you’ll get the career clarity you need about your future career path, and it’ll help to provide you with a sense of decision security – you’ll prove to yourself that the career decision you land on is the right one, and you’ll have the confidence to move forward.

5.    Unlimited access to the Career Management Library

The library contains all my employment services resources, which will help guide and support your career exploration and decision, all developed with the ‘detached’ professional in mind so you can make a seamless transition into your new self!

What’s your investment?

Normally $1995


Find out if you’re a good fit for this program – apply for a discovery call with me:

The program was created under the guidelines of best practice in Career Development and Education and certified career counselling through membership with:

Professional career counselling
Professional career counselling

Who is this program for?

The Career Restoration Program is best suited to professionals who may be feeling:

-        Emotionally and cognitively distant from work and colleagues (detached/indifferent)

-        Extremely fatigued, exhausted, or overwhelmingly emotional at work

-        As though they are ready to ‘quietly quit’ – putting in minimal day-to-day effort, whilst exploring other career options

-        No longer competent and have a diminished self-belief at work

-        Cynical about work because you’re being treated unfairly, harassed, or bullied

-        Undermined because you’re working under a micromanager who doesn’t trust you

-        Like you’re in a work culture that is negative, demoralising, and gives you a sense of hopelessness

-        Unappreciated because your workplace seems to promote people based on favouritism, not work outcomes

-        Bitter or resentful towards your employer

-        Blindsided, and now distrust yourself and others

-        Like you need to escape from work due to a distressful or traumatising event

Who is this program not a good fit for?

This program is not suit to those who are looking for people who:

-        Only want assistance finding a new career, and don’t need support to overcome burnout, toxic workplaces, or the distress experienced following negative events

-        Want help finding a new job, such as the way recruitment agencies offer services

-        Just need a resume or cover letter written for them

-        Are seeking specific career advice, such as ‘What qualifications do I need to become an accountant?’

-        Already know what career they want to change into and just need the job application tools

-        Are not ready to commit to three months’ worth of weekly counselling, accompanied by homework

What’s it like working with me as a Career Restoration Counsellor?

I have post-graduate qualifications in Career Development and Education, and Psychology, and specialise in helping professionals who have experienced negative workplace events overcome detachment in their careers, so that they can reignite the fulfilment they once had.

I’ve helped thousands of people find career fulfilment, often overcoming huge barriers such as criminal records, long term unemployment, disabilities, and low self-esteem.

The story I am always drawn to, however, is negative workplace events and detachment, because I know how difficult it can be to move on from such experiences.

That’s why, through the Career Restoration Program, you’ll be serviced by someone that’s completely invested in your success – not only do I have the tools to help you, and I am also passionate about helping people who have experienced what I’ve experienced!

As soon as the program starts, you’ll feel yourself moving away from those negative experiences, not only peeling back the layers of the experience, but any other layer that doesn’t serve you.

You’ll be able to mend your career and find fulfilment, just like you had before, and be better equipped, self-assured and knowledgeable to journey into it.


  • Most career counsellors work with professionals who haven’t necessarily experienced negative workplace events but are just looking for a career change. I’ve centred my business around restoring career fulfilment in professionals who’ve experienced negative events at work, which requires a bit more work. These events can spur the onset of related fears, biases, uncertainty, and perspective changes, which cannot be addressed in one or two sessions. That’s why I have designed the M.E.N.D.I.N.G framework to ensure that we work through those factors and have you leave the program with all the tools to go into the career path you land on.

  • Places are limited and for eligible clients only. If you meet the eligibility criteria, it can start as soon as the following week, depending on spots available.

  • Yes, I offer a monthly payment plan of $665 over three months

  • This is an intense program which will help you find and leap into your new career path as soon as possible, so having weekly meetings as opposed to fortnightly meetings, will get you into your new career in three months, rather than six months or longer. It is also a session-based service, where I do not offer email consultations between appointments. This is very important to your career journey, as it has been designed empower you to take charge of your thoughts around career. If you think of questions during this time, you’ll either discover you can find answers or you’ll bring those questions to our session the following week.

  • For three months following the end of the program, making it six months in total. This can be very handy for those that decide a job change is the right career direction. It contains many disengagement and workplace distress-specific tips, guides and templates on job hunting applications, such as resume temples, cover letters and more.

  • You’ll receive a link to my calendar to reschedule your appointment at your convenience, so long as you give 48 hours’ notice. I do not offer refunds for appointments or refunds to the program.

  • If you decide throughout the program that the best path for you is to either change employers or industries altogether, we will work on a tailored résumé and cover letter template for you. The program, however, is not a résumé writing service, but a collaboration to instill your sense of agency. I will guide you throughout the sessions on how to tailor applications for any stage of the job hunting process, and provide templates, and guides as well for future use. Throughout the last month of the program, we will work on these documents together, and by the end of the program, you will have a new résumé and cover letter template if that suits the career path you have chosen, plus the knowledge on how to write exceptional applications following negative workplace experiences. This all part of the journey towards career fulfilment through developing your sense of empowerment with your career.

  • The program is tailored to you and your needs. Sometimes, we discover the answers or information we need quickly. If that’s the case, we will move through to the next step. A rough timeline is that it usually takes two months for the ‘counselling’ part, where we move through the steps Map, Explore, Narrow, and Decide. We then take one month for the ‘career’ part, where we move through the steps for Implement, Navigate and Goals.

  • There is no pressure to land on a decision to change careers. Throughout the program, people often discover they fall into one of the following three categories:

    1. They would feel happier if they changed employer

    2. They would feel happier if they changed career industries

    3. They would feel happier if they changed their perspective

    You, as the client, are the expert of your own career and it is up to you to decide (with the help of the program) which path works best. If you land on option 3. ‘They would feel happy if they changed their perspective’, rather than working on job application documents (résumés, etc), we will work on things like setting workplace boundaries. The program is about recovering from negative workplace experiences whilst fixing your career, and that can look different on everyone.

  • Most clients I work with have full time jobs. Most of the time, this is the best position to be in to make a career change. That’s why I offer after hours appointments on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (6PM and 8PM), as well as Saturday morning (9AM and 11 AM).