Frequently asked questions…

Who do you service?

I focus on professionals who have experienced negative workplace events, whether from the people they service, the work they do, or their employers. From my experience, this is usually more frequent in the following industries:

  • Healthcare

  • Education, child care and higher education

  • Food and goods

  • Public safety

  • Utilities, communication and financial services

I can, however, assist professionals from all other industries. If you’d like to find out whether you’re eligible, book a free 15 minute discovery call with me:

What is career counselling?

It’s a form of counselling that provides support to people who are looking to change, fix, or navigate their careers. It’s a service to help you understand your employment options, build your confidence in making career changes, and provide tools, strategies and resources for you to find and secure the career that you want.

Do you write résumés?

I am not a résumé writer, however, as part of some services, we review and rewrite your résumé together. All services are meant to be collaborative, with a focus on overcoming negative workplace events - whether it’s through articulating those experiences in your résumé or finding an alternative career path. This means that if we do revamp your résumé, we will do it together - over zoom and as part of homework, with both of use bringing/writing the necessary information ahead of the next session. I designed it this way to help my clients feel a sense of agency and empowerment, following workplace distress. If you’d like your résumé completely written for you, my services might not be for you.

How often do we meet?

It depends on the service. As part of my Career Restoration Program, we usually conduct weekly appointments at the same time every week. We can be flexible with the days throughout the program, however, weekly meetings are a must in order to finish working through the M.E.N.D.I.N.G framework. With all other services, I recommend weekly or fortnightly meetings, however, it’s up to the individual.

How are the appointments conducted?

All appointments are conducted over zoom.

Do you offer payment plans?

I offer payment plans for the Career Restoration Program. For all other appointments, it’s upfront payment.

What’s your cancellation policy?

I don’t offer refunded for the Career Restoration Program, but offer a free discovery call before you commit to it to ensure you and I are the right fit. You can reschedule appointments within this program so long as you give 48 hours’ notice. For all other services, please note, if you change your mind after paying for our service, prior to your first consultation, there will be a minimum $100 cancellation fee. Career Mend services of any kind will not continue until the cancellation fee is paid. Sickness, work, emergencies, and unexpected events will still incur the scheduled cancellation fee. Rescheduling appointments must be completed by the Client 48 hours before. After that time, the Client will be charged the full session price for the missed session. For more information, see the Terms and Conditions.

Not sure which appointment is right for you?

Book a 15 minute Discovery call and we can discuss which service is best.