Why You Should Add to Your Resume Every Month

‘I need to fix my resumé’ is a phrase that gets thrown around every time someone’s ready to leave their job.

The problem with this statement is that it implies that your resume should only be pulled out when you need to formally use it. At this point, we all share the same experience - you go through your responsibilities and achievements, you note how well you’ve performed the job, reflecting on all the challenges you overcome, and feel a sense of pride. Updating your resume, although an arduous task at times, can give you a chance to reflect on what you want in your career -  something we’re all guilty of not doing enough.

So rather than pulling out your resume and dusting off the cobwebs every few years as needed, here are some reasons why you should consider adding to it periodically - even if you’re happy with your job.


Progression and Regression as a Big-Picture Dance

‘Progression over regression’ might be the phrase that gets you out of bed every morning, but in reality it simplifies years of hard work. Adding to your resume every month reinforces your career achievements. By looking at your resume timeline, you can reflect on how certain roles or responsibilities may not have pushed you forward at the time, but were instead a stepping stone to a future career-leap.

Progression doesn’t always have to be strictly linear, but a mixture of progression, learning, settling, and stretching.  It could mean staying in a position for longer than originally intended, but mastering the relationships around you as a consequence. It could mean taking on light and unofficial duties, such as mentoring, and finding that it surprisingly evoked a rewarding experience. By writing your resume as a story, and not a linear timeline of achievements, it allows you to fairly and compassionately remind yourself of all the things you’ve accomplished. This practice can boost your confidence and provide a sense of purpose. It can counteract any feelings of stagnation and can aid in preventing burnout - a condition that builds up when you feel undervalued and underachieving.

Continuous Learning and Skill Enhancement

The process of updating your resume reinforces the importance of continuous learning. It helps you reflect on the situations you encountered that were challenging and the skills you used to pull yourself through it. You get to relive the pride you felt at the time, which can be a catalyst for motivation in the future. By writing down your work history, it gives you clarity of your skills - all too often, we believe people when they tell us we are faulty at work. Whilst accountability and responsibility are important if you have done something wrong, the slope to total delusion is sleeper than you think. If you’re unclear on what your skills are, or you’ve forgotten how adaptable, responsible, and successful you’ve been in the past, you become an easy target for energy-sucking vultures in the workplace. That’s why it’s vital to continuously look back and remind yourself that you’ve gotten to where you are now by continuously learning and developing your skills - which counteracts any attempts to gaslight you into believing otherwise.

The other advantage of this practice is that it ensures that you are consistently working towards your objectives but also instills a sense of discipline and accountability. When you look back and don’t like the patterns you notice, it will help give you clarity on what needs to be tweaked in the future. We often live for the moment when it comes to our career and forget that everyday we should be creating a stepping stone to our future vision. We say things like, ‘I want to work in this position one day’, or ‘I want to eventually earn this amount’, without actually looking at our past track record. We are currently living out the days that’ll eventually be put on our resume for those future jobs. By looking at our resume often, we remind ourselves where this is all leading to. Over time, this habit of goal-setting becomes ingrained in your work ethic, positively impacting your ability to tackle challenges and achieve long-term career aspirations.


Increased Job Satisfaction

Frequent updates to your resume highlight growth and progress in your career. This growth can lead to increased job satisfaction, as you'll see a tangible representation of your professional development. This creates a positive feedback loop. As you see the impact of your efforts on your career trajectory, you are likely to feel more motivated and engaged in your work. This positive cycle of achievement and satisfaction can significantly improve your overall job experience.

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Improved Adaptability and Resilience

Adding to your resume periodically also encourages adaptability and resilience in a rapidly changing job market. As you continually update your skills and experiences, you become more versatile and better equipped to handle unexpected challenges. This adaptability can significantly reduce burnout and stagnation by empowering you to navigate through professional changes with confidence. It can also reduce the burden of redundancy, as your resume will be ready to go. If you are continuously reading and updating your resume, you’d also have a practice of reminding yourself of all your skills and experience - a booster for your motivation if you suddenly find yourself without work. This can also be useful when there are unexpected changes at work - such as changes in an executive team that directly impacts your reporting line, or changes in business structures, which directly impacts your work. By reflecting on the best qualities you bring into the workplace, you’re more likely to remain unstressed during times of uncertainty. This attitude will also set a precedent for the future challenges that will inevitability occur throughout your career.


Enhanced Networking Opportunities

Regularly updating your resume provides more opportunities for networking. When you have recent accomplishments and skills listed, you're more likely to engage in meaningful conversations with peers and potential employers. Sometimes, the right opportunities come up unexpectedly. When you know your resume is already at its best, you’re more open to these opportunities. 

Networking opens doors to a myriad of opportunities that may not be advertised through traditional channels. Whether it's job openings, projects, collaborations, or mentorship opportunities, building a strong network increases your visibility and puts you in the know about potential career advancements. By connecting with professionals in your field or industry, you gain access to insider knowledge and insights. This can include information about trends, market developments, best practices, and upcoming opportunities. Such knowledge is invaluable for staying ahead of the curve and making informed decisions in your career.


Motivation and Goal Setting

Adding to your resume every month creates a cycle of motivation and goal setting. Setting achievable targets each month to enhance your resume can be invigorating. It gives you a reason to strive for success and helps you celebrate your progress regularly, promoting a positive outlook and preventing burnout. By documenting your achievements on a monthly basis, you gain a clearer understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement. This self-awareness fuels motivation and a sense of purpose, driving you to strive for excellence in your current role and beyond.

You’ll also begin to master self-awareness and reflection. You'll find yourself evaluating your experiences, skills, and achievements regularly - even without looking at your resume. This self-reflection allows you to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations better, aiding in career decisions that align with your values and goals, ultimately mitigating the risk of burnout. In our fast-paced lives filled with endless distractions, taking the time to pause, introspect, and evaluate our thoughts, actions, and goals is often overlooked. However, incorporating self-reflection into our daily routine can have profound effects on our motivation levels and overall well-being.


Regularly adding to your resume every month is a powerful strategy for career success. It fuels career progression, encourages continuous learning, enhances job satisfaction, builds adaptability and resilience, facilitates networking, motivates goal setting, and promotes self-awareness. By prioritising these aspects, you can maintain a sense of purpose and growth in their careers, reducing the likelihood of burnout and cultivating a fulfilling professional life.


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