Take the first step towards mending your career following negative workplace experiences with my tips and tricks:

Toxic Colleagues - How to Handle Their Behaviour and Keep Your Sanity

Toxic Colleagues - How to Handle Their Behaviour and Keep Your Sanity

I have worked with SO MANY toxic people in my career. For a long time I thought the toxic behaviour just came as a package deal with the fields I worked in. For example, I worked at Centrelink and it was highly stressful, I worked in recruitment and it was highly competitive and I worked in many contract roles and it was always highly uncertain. I told myself that these environments made my colleagues understandably tense, and that thought turned into an excuse for their neuroticism. I was often detached from their negative attitudes, until it would manifest into bullying, harassment, and manipulation, creating toxic workplace cultures - something that always happened.

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5 Signs You Actually Hate Your Job (and How to Fix It)

5 Signs You Actually Hate Your Job (and How to Fix It)

Feeling burnt out and low in confidence at work is a tough situation to be in. It's like being stuck in a cycle of unhappiness that drains your energy and motivation every single day. If you find yourself dreading Mondays, constantly watching the clock, and feeling unfulfilled, you might be in a job that you actually hate.

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Are you a people-pleaser who wants to learn how to start setting workplace boundaries to avoid burnout?

Download my free guide on 9 Easy Ways to Set Workplace Boundaries for People-Pleasers. A 25-page guide with tips on motivation to set boundaries, ways to ease into setting boundaries, and managing your stress and communication around those conversations.

Career guidance and boundaries at work