Be the Most Placeable Candidate (MPC)

The “Most Placeable Candidate” (MPC) is a term used in the recruitment industry to describe a candidate that a recruitment agency is willing to represent into a market above others. This is because they demonstrate enough skills, that the recruiter is confident they can succeed in placing that candidate within a company. You can also use these techniques when you’re applying directly through a job advertisement.

Here’s how to become the MPC in the pool of applicants your find yourself in:

Get clear on your unique selling points

Why should someone hire you? What makes you stand out? Think about the following:

  • How have you increased revenue?

  • How have you saved an employer money?

  • How have you excelled in your job?

  • Have you received recognition for something you did?

Once you’re clear on what makes you special, you need to ensure every piece of application material and social interaction with a recruiter translates these things. Use every opportunity to sell your skills so that when the recruiter thinks of you, they see you through that lens.

Focus on in-demand skills

As a follow-up point on skills, only convey the skills that are relevant in today’s market. Knowing how to use Microsoft Word is no longer something that makes you special. Ditch the skills that should be a given and focus on what’s really in demand in your industry and this year! Do a Google search on ‘enterprise skills’ as these are the skills that are predicted to shape the future of work. Think of things like emotional intelligence and collaboration; these skills are relevant and needed in almost every role, but are difficult to actually do.

Be flexible

How much can you afford to compromise? Are you willing to drive 1.5 hours each way for work if the salary was $10k higher? Would you be willing to relocate? If so, which states are you open to? Are you prepared to take a pay cut if there were excellent career progression opportunities and a work-life balance? These considerations make you easier to work with; if you present yourself as open-minded (within reason of course), you’re more likely to be someone that recruiters want to progress through the pipeline.

Be a cultural fit in most organisations

The key to employee productivity, engagement, and performance is having a good workplace culture. Happy employees make for work satisfaction, greater collaboration, and a more committed workplace. There’s no longer a clear hierarchy but a mutual respect.

Therefore, as a job seeker, you need to show you are someone who would gel well with most workplaces. There should be no mention of hating managers or conflicts at work. In general, just present as someone who is actually likable.

Demonstrate loyalty

When you’re trying to be the MPC, jumping from job to job is not a good look. Obviously, there are times when you have great excuses for doing such and it’s good to have that reason ready to present in case an employer asks about it. If you don't have a good excuse (such as parental leave, career break, travel, personal reasons, or undertaking qualifications), it’s a good idea to write your résumé without the months. For instance, rather than writing May 2017 — July 2020, you can write 2017–2020. It may appear as if the gaps between roles are shorter, or that you’re jumping around less.

Career progression

MPC’s will show clear career progression. This doesn't have to mean new job titles. You can write your applications in a way to show that you inherited more responsibility, mentored people, or did something that forced you to utilise more skills than your colleagues. Frame it in a way that shows you’re someone that likes a challenge and always seeks to improve their skills — this is exactly what people who get promoted do.


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