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Lunch and Learn:How to recover from burnout at work. A burnout recovery plan and timeline to get your career back on track.

Has work presented an overwhelming amount of challenges recently? Have these challenges been on-going and caused you exhaustion? Do you care less about the quality of your work or feel disengaged because of it? Is the stress ongoing and are you lacking confidence in your abilities now? 

These are all very common symptoms of burnout, a state of complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. 

In this webinar, we’ll explore the steps you can take to plan your way out of burnout and reignite your career passion again. We’ll cover:

  • Tangle steps to stop operating on autopilot and re engage with your work emotionally and cognitively again

  • Mechanisms to recover from burnout at work and prevent it in the future

  • Tactics for a mindset shift to challenge feelings of resentment, cynicism and confusion at work, to start operating from confidence, clarity and empowerment

This webinar is perfect for professionals who identify as:

  • Emotionally and cognitively distant from work and colleagues (detached/indifferent)

  • Exhausted or overwhelmingly emotional at work 

  • As though they are ready to ‘quietly quit’ – putting in minimal day-to-day effort, whilst exploring other career options

  • Feeling a constant sense of stress at work  and have a diminished self-belief at work

  • Having trouble remembering things or retaining information, even though they once had no problem with this 

  • No longer understand their strengths at work

  • Having trouble saying ‘no’ at work and take on work that they struggle to finish on time

If you’d like to restore your career clarity, confidence and engagement again following burnout, secure your spot for this free online event!

October 24

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