5 Ways To Tell If The Interviewer Likes You

Ever walked out of an interview feeling like it went badly? You can’t quite put your finger on what it was, but you know deep down it didn’t feel right. That’s probably because you were receptive to the non-verbal cues being thrown at you during the interview, as only 10% of communication is delivered through verbal means. So whilst you probably couldn’t exactly translate or identify those cues, you know they were happening.

Wouldn’t it be great to understand what they were in order to adjust yourself and your answers as you move through the interview? This would mean that by the time you finish, you would have had the opportunity to tap into what the interviewer was thinking and align yourself accordingly. This would help convince the interviewer you were the best person for the job in their eyes.

Here are 5 things to look for in your next interview in order to gauge the interviewer’s opinion of you:

  1. Micro Expressions

Whilst your wrapped up in choosing the perfect words to answer the interview questions, you’re forgetting to pay attention to the interviewer’s face! Micro expressions are quick, 2–3 second expressions that people display involuntarily as they communicate. It takes YEARS of training to control these — so more often that not, these expressions represent an honest depiction of how someone feels in that moment. This means that if you watch closely, you’ll pick up on signs that your answers are either what the interviewer wants to hear OR completely off! They are difficult to pick up sometimes and you certainly don’t have to be an expert in reading them, but it’s important to know they are there and need to be watched as much as possible. An example could be a slight drop in a smile, which would indicate that your answer started well but didn’t finish well.

2. How They Are Sitting

If your interviewer is crossing their arms, it’s not a good sign. You ideally want them to be leaning forward or towards you with their chest open. It’s okay if they are leaning back though, as sometimes this is just a personal style. However, blocking one’s chest indicates they don’t like what they are hearing and therefore disagree. Hence, this is a big warning sign to change the answer you are giving until they uncross their arms.

3. The Forced Smile

Look for a smile in their eyebrows and eyes, as well as their mouth! If you get the sense that their smile isn’t genuine, you’re probably right. They may just be smiling to be polite. Often when humans are happy, it’s translating very clearly. So if you’re in the process of answering a question and you see this expression, chances are you’re veering off in the wrong direction. Adjust and watch for further cues until you hit the sweet spot.

4. They Are Rushing You Through

If the interviewer keeps looking at the time or is continuously tapping their leg and seem jittery, they probably haven’t seen enough in you that represents what they are looking for. Obviously sometimes this can also mean they are on a tight schedule and need to finish on time! However, if you’ve noticed the other negative cues, this could mean they have already made up their mind about rejecting you. If you’re struggling to understand what they’re looking for, there are two options:

  1. Accept that your personality and skill set is not a match for the position, therefore you will not compromise and instead seek a role where it’s a great fit for both parties.

  2. When it’s time for questions from you, you can ask what they think of you. You can say something like ‘Based on everything I’ve told you today, do you think I have the skills to do this job well?’. Scary question! But you might regret leaving the interview having not known how you could improve!

5. The Inflection In Their Voice

Think about how you talk to a friend — someone that you like. You don’t talk to them in a monotone voice. You chat with peaks and troughs in your pitch to get them excited about what you’re saying. In a way, you’re selling the conversation to them so that they’ll listen to you. In an interview, if the interviewer speaks to you in a monotone, business-like way throughout the whole interview, especially when telling you about the position, it could mean they don’t want to sell it to you because they don’t think you’re right for it. However, if they seem somewhat excited to tell you about the various aspects of the role, it’s a sign they are excited by the possibility of you working in it.

There’s never just one part that works alone when reading people — you do have to take in as many cues as possible as it’s not a black and white topic. It may seem stressful to try and watch for all these things at once whilst delivering the right answer to the questions. However, there are two things to remember:

  1. With practice, you’ll get better. You can practice with friends, family and even people that serve you in the shopping centre.

  2. All these things might keep you distracted from your nerves! Which means you can deliver the best version of yourself without dulling any of your unique qualities!


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